(This message was transferred over from our old forum)
Posted August 14, 2015
By Todd DeBoer
On 12/26/12 fjrg76 asked, “In uEZGUI_4P3_SCH_5.pdf document, page 2, in the NOR Flash device I noted that its memory’s address range is from A0 to A22, however, in the Spansion’s Datasheet for the S29GL064 device, the range is only from A0 to A21.
At the hardware level I just need not to connect the device’s terminal A22 to the uC’s terminal A23. But at the software level is another story. My question is if this workaround is not going to affect the overall memory map. If so, what will I need to look at in order to keep the correct memory map?”
(Follow up post)
We are using A0 to A22 so that the NOR flash can be larger without rebuilding the software. A smaller NOR flash effectively gets mirrored into multiple blocks with this addressing scheme.
You can reconfigure the pin so it is no longer part of the EMC and redirect it to your hardware without issue.
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